Term 4, Week 2

Here are some photos Room 3 found funny:

Monday 18th October

Hi Parents, Room 3 and 4 camp is quickly approaching. We have an awesome time planned for your child. Some of the activities include: making “hobo stoves” and cooking corn fritters on them, “baking” a hot dog camp style, keeping a camp diary, walking the nature trail, two bush walks, the log game, a burma trail, a night rope walk (parent will go with scared children), round robin team sports events, bivouac building, two Mr.E specials and a talent show which you are invited to.

Thank you to those parents who have brought in large tins. We have enough now.

Can you help?
Please send your child to camp with a spatula (if possible)
Please could we borrow your tin snips from now until the camp is over

• Please pay your child’s $45 to the office (Tuesday 19th October at the latest)
• Please return your child’s health profile and consent and risk disclosure form
• You need to arrange transport for your child to be at Aongatete Lodge next Tuesday
• They need to arrive at camp between 8.30 and 9.00AM that morning
• Your child needs to be picked up from camp between noon and 1PM on Thursday
• Your family is invited to the talent show, Wednesday night, starting at 7PM
• Your child requires a carton to participate in the “baking” of their hot dog dinner

Parents attending camp are: Glen Temple, Katka Medekova, Kathy Van Timmeren, Lynn Jones, Susanne Moore, Sharon Strong and Brett Huinink.

Thank you, Mr.E and Miss Lee

Finished my work