Term 4, Week 1

Mr.E is friends with Mr Hanna, an awesome teacher at Bethlehem College Primary. Check out what they've been up to here

Dear Parents

On Friday the 15th of October Room 3 will be creating vegetable/fruit creatures for Ag day. We will also look at ideas in class. The creations can be standing up or lying down. Please view the ideas included below.

Could your child please bring their vegetables/fruit to school on Friday. It is a good idea to have their vegetables/fruit pre-cut although we will provide small knives on the day. (No knives are to be brought to school by the children please). We will supply the toothpicks for attaching limbs etc.

Bananas are not recommended as they will turn brown by Saturday.

Room 3 will be open on Ag day to view the children’s creations.

Thank you.
Mr E and Mrs D