It’s been nice meeting first-time Room 3 parents and it’s always great to have second-time Room 3 parents back again. There are even some third-time Room 3 parents this year! Time does fly. It always amazes me how different some siblings can be!
This will be my sixth year at Pahoia School and I am as excited as ever to be teaching in Room 3. I already know most of the Room 3 children well from maths swap and working closely with Room 4 class last year. I’m really looking forward to teaching your child full-time.
It’s my aim to give your child the best year of their schooling. Miss Lee and I have planned a fun-filled term of learning for our classes and will be working together much like we did last year. Your child will work hard but they will have a lot of fun in the process with creative activities. Photos of what’s been going on in Room 3 will be posted here on the Room 3 website.
I will be talking about how Room 3 works in detail at the Meet The Teacher Evening on the 16th of February (6:45 start). If you are unable to make it that evening I will send your child home with a booklet with all the info you need to know about Room 3. If you have any questions beforehand, please feel free to come in and see me or e-mail me at mr.e@pahoia.school.nz
Thank you for organising your child’s stationery so promptly. We can get down to business in Room 3 straight away.
Everything going to plan, spelling homework will start week 2. Your child will bring their homework book home next Monday night. Reading books will come home at the end of Week 3 or start of Week 4 as I need to spend time assessing the children’s reading levels first.
From Week 2 onwards Room 3 will swim on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Most importantly, please feel free have your child tour you through the class or talk you through their bookwork anytime.
Thank you
Billy Edwards