Something funny that happened was when Kaiya fell over. -Ashlee
I will never forget me and Scotty crashing into each other. –d’Art
The funniest thing that happened this year was when Tom was told to open the window because there was a bee and because of that Tom screamed like a girl. – Zara
Something funny that happened was When Elmo burped. -Emma
The thing I liked most about Room 3 is Mr.E because nearly every word what he says is funny. –Alfie
Something funny that happened was when I was trying to get Ashlee’s book and I hit my head on a bag hook and I was laughing and crying at the same time. –Guy
This year I got brainer because Mr.E worked us to death. –Jackson
Camp was cool because we did the Burma Trail with a pillow case over our heads. -Jacob
My end of year test results made me feel so happy that I felt like fainting. –Jake
Now my handwriting is ninja. –Jesse
I will never forget that I won the mother of all desk inspections. – Jesse
This year I got brainier because I listened more than last year. –Jessie
Something funny that happened was Mr.E. – Kaiya
Something funny that happened was Mr.E. - Scott
This year was interesting because there is a kitchen in room three. –Zara
Something funny that happened was when I hit myself. – Mason
Something funny that happened was when Mr.E told me to get the cockroach out of the class. – Tom